A little about
Who we are
From the Pearl of Indian Ocean to 'Down Under'
The Ceylon Challengers was formed in May 2021 by a group of backyard cricketers taking part in an eight-a-side 20-over cricket competition. After a casual conversation, one of the players suggested that a formal club be incorporated to pave the way for amateur players to compete in the cricket competitions organised by the Canberra City and Suburban Cricket Association (CCSCA). The initial discussion took place at the Amaroo Playing Fields after successfully defeating a team that included several professional level players.
The purpose of the Club is to provide the members with an opportunity to play cricket in the CCSCA and other competitions and to improve both their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
Although the Challengers are new to hard-ball cricket, playing backyard cricket with a hard rubber ball has been good preparation for CCSCA competition, which most of its founding members did as a recreational activity since 2010. The home of Ceylon Challengers is the Hackett Cricket Grounds, where the bunch of players initially got together and developed as a team.
The motto of Ceylon Challengers is “Challenge, Commit and Conquer”. At inception, it had eight members and currently it has over 100 registered members. During its first season (2021-22), the Club fielded three teams competing in Grades One, Five and Six, which is considered a significant achievement for an amateur club. The Grade Five team emerged as the League Champions (Minor Premiership) and became Runners-up in the Grand Final whilst the Grade One team reached semi-finals. Several Challengers won individual awards including the ‘Cricketer of the Year – 2021/22’ at the annual awards night organised by CCSCA in April 2022.
Incorporation details:
Ceylon Challengers Incorporated
10 Tsoulias Street, Gungahlin ACT 2912, Australia
95 732 297 286
Current committee

From Left: Nuwan Rathnaweera (Public Officer), Amila Dissanayake (Treasurer), Hashantha Mendis (Vice President), Chamara Premachandra (President), Lalanka Amarasiri (Secretary), Umesh Kodippili (Assistant Treasurer), Dineth Withanage (Assistant Secretary)
Executive members

Seated From Left: Hashantha Mendis (Vice President), Amila Dissanayake (Treasurer), Chamara Premachandra (President), Lalanka Amarasiri (Secretary), Nuwan Rathnaweera (Public Officer)
Standing From Left: Mohamed Kamil, Umesh Kodippili (Assistant Treasurer), Dineth Withanage (Assistant Secretary), Ivan D’Souza
Come join us
Want to reshape your own perception of how you view yourself? Let's make your debut with Ceylon Challengers.
To become one of the pioneer social cricket clubs in Canberra while improving members’ physical and mental health and wellbeing.

To provide each of the members with an opportunity to play cricket in the Canberra City and Suburban Cricket Association (and other) competitions, and to improve their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
- To achieve the position of a thriving amateur club, providing its playing members with challenging, competitive and enjoyable cricket for all levels of ability.
- To establish a thriving social membership that helps to establish The Club within the local community.
- To provide an environment and organisational infrastructure that will make Ceylon Challengers a premier club in the Territory.
- For the competitive representative teams of The Club to play at the highest level as a collective and to give the opportunity for every cricketer, young or mature, novice or experienced, to reach their full potential.
- Promote personal development through participation in cricketing and other activities.
- Ensure at all times Ceylon Challengers provides safe and effective activities and fulfils its duty of care to groups and individuals